Hello, my name is
Chilakala Farooq
And I'm a Junior developer
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About me

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I'm Chilakala Farooq and I'm a

I am a Java Developer focused on crafting great web experiences. Designing and Coding have been my passion since the days I started working with computers but I found myself into full stack development since my college days. I enjoy creating beautifully designed, intuitive and functional websites.

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My skills

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My Projects

Employee Management System: -I build a Spring Boot Rest CRUD API with maven as our build tool. Rest APIs make it possible to establish communication between a backend server and a frontend web or mobile applications.

Features:- In this App ,End user can perform HTTP methods like POST,GET,GET by ID,PUT,DELETE request with custom exception along with pagination.

Tech Skills:- Core java, MySQL DB, Spring Boot, Hibernate(ORM),Html, CSS, Design Pattern( MVC),Git,Github.

TO get source click on github link GitHub Link

Authentication & Authorization: -I build a Spring Boot Rest CRUD API with maven as our build tool. Rest APIs make it possible to establish communication between a backend server and a frontend web or mobile applications.

Features:- In this App ,Authentication & Authorization using Spring Security ,Servlet,role base authentication and End user can perform HTTP methods like POST,GET,GET by ID,PUT,DELETE request with custom exception along with pagination.

Tech Skills:- Core java, MySQL DB, Spring Boot, Hibernate(ORM),Html, CSS, Design Pattern( MVC),Git,Github.

TO get source click on github link GitHub Link

MYBlog: -I build a Spring Boot Rest CRUD API with maven as our build tool. Rest APIs make it possible to establish communication between a backend server and a frontend web or mobile applications.

Features:- In this App ,Authentication & Authorization using Spring Security ,role base authentication and End user can perform HTTP methods like POST,GET,GET by ID,PUT,DELETE request with custom exception along with pagination.

Tech Skills:- Core java, MySQL DB, Spring Boot, Hibernate(ORM),Html, CSS, Design Pattern( MVC),Git,Pagenation,Authentication.

TO get source click on github link GitHub Link

SimpleCalculator GUI: -I build a Spring Boot Rest CRUD API with maven as our build tool. Rest APIs make it possible to establish communication between a backend server and a frontend web or mobile applications.

Features:- In this GUI Calculator using AWT and Swing Module in Java, the calculator features is a user-friendly interface with buttons for numerical input ,arithmetic operation and function like clear and equal.It provides a smooth and intuitive user experience,making calculations a breeze.

Tech Skills:- Core java,AWT,Swing Module, GUI Development,Eclipse IDE.

TO get source click on github link GitHub Link

Track X : -I build a Spring Boot Rest CRUD API with maven as our build tool. Rest APIs make it possible to establish communication between a backend server and a frontend web or mobile applications.

Features:- In this App ,Authentication & Authorization using Spring Security ,role base authentication. It consists of vey big core modules Lead,Contact,Billing,Records End user can perform HTTP methods like POST,GET,GET by ID,PUT,DELETE request with custom exception along with pagination.

Tech Skills:- Core java, MySQL DB, Spring Boot, Hibernate(ORM),Html, CSS, Design Pattern( MVC),Git,Pagenation,Authentication.

TO get source click on github link GitHub Link

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If you have any queries please get in touch with us and we will be get back to you as soon as possible

Chialakal Farooq